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"I’m from Roswell so that probably has something to do with my weird ideas lol". This was Doug’s explanation for his crazy denim jean pieces.

Done by Doug is someone who I've consistently seen go viral via my explore page. At first glance, seeing the silhouettes, you're thinking how the hell would this fit when worn? All the pieces result in interesting shapes and patterns that either drape or hug the legs well.

Doug realises how much waste fashion contributes to the world and is doing his part by reusing old pieces and items keeping his brand anti-fast fashion. His work is an extension of himself, his personality and a social commentary against social injustices and acts of violence. One of the highlights of his work is the fact that big artists are hitting him up for pieces with the likes of Billie Eilish wearing one of his shirts at a show.

All of Doug's materials are recycled. He uses pattern-making or draping before constructing his pieces. His current focus is creating his own interpretations of everyday items to explore new looks and functions,

These are only a handful of the pieces we've been able to put together so head over to their page for more!


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