WTF Happened to AI?
2023 saw the industry shook with a potential AI takeover and while that may have died down, it's far from non-existent in the industry. With anything new, it met with an influx of mixed emotions and that was the case with AI when it started making waves within fashion. The main emotion was fear, fear that it would take over, take jobs and eradicate authenticity and hard work.

Almost a year later, I'm wondering where it stands and if those opinions have changed. Does AI have a place in fashion? Can it be integrated to help brands out or should it be completely dismissed? I think the better mindset to have is “How Should AI be used?” as opposed to “If AI should be used?” The former questions invite the idea of balance and reject the idea that it will replace skills and experiences needed in the journey as well as the shortcuts people will likely take utilising this technology. When we think of “how” we control both the level and more importantly the intentions it's used for.
My stance stays the same. AI shouldn't replace anything nor should it be dismissed. it should simply be used to enhance and amplify the journey for faster and more cost effective returns. Why spend x amount of time or money on something when the help of AI can get you from A to Z faster? I think a great balance of human skill and creativity with a mix of AI technology will be the smart way forward
What do you think?
Should it be used? Should it be dismissed? Or should it be used in collaboration with human skill and creativity?