When I said that custom Timbs would take over, designers weren't playing and I think Mattias Gollin created some of the best ones if not THE best ones. It's only right I reached out to him and asked him a few questions.
Who is Mattias Gollin?
Hello, my name is Mattias Gollin and I am from Italy.
I am a transversal designer. I have a strong focus on footwear having grown up in one of the main footwear districts in Italy, but my vision also extends to accessories and clothing. I have never set myself any limits.
How did the Custom Timberlands happen, was it your idea or did they approach you?
simply thought of pushing the limits of Timberland's inch boy design and liked to make its logo even more iconic by making a 3D printed structure, as well as raise it's perceived with pearls and crystals inspired by Pharrell,
then Timberland approached me.
How long does it take to create "The Timbs" I should probably give flowers to your patience.
Of actual work for a single pair takes 3 days. I have a very efficient network of suppliers and collaborators, which allows me to do virtually everything very quickly.
From the "the Timbs" to the MSCHF Brutal Boot, and Rat Boot, what inspired those and how did you come up with those ideas?
Regarding the brutal boot the vision was quite clear from the beginning in my mind, I wanted to expand the sole design on the whole boot making it Brutal in the true sense of the word, as brutalism is in architecture.
The mouse instead came out of brain storming with Lukas Bentel, creative director of MSCHF.
If possible, please talk about the process of creating those?
The process for creating these projects was similar, for example for "THE TIMBS," I scanned the 6 inch boot, developed a 3D shell that resembled the logo, 3D printed it, and meanwhile had the pearls and crystals inserted on the boots.
It may seem very simple as a process, but there is actually a deep knowledge of the product behind it.
Which is your favourite Custom Timbs?
Mine, but there are many other designers who did a really good job, including @fioriino
The collection of people who have worn your custom Timbs is crazy, but Draaaakee?? That's another level. How did that come together?
He saw them and wanted them, friends close to him asked me for them.
I appreciated the style of everyone who wore it as well as I will appreciate those who will wear it.
Among them I particularly mention my friend @whoknowszay, who made a nice combo with the PELLE PELLE jackets.
How did the Boot Rat with MSCHF idea happen?
I had started with a three-dimensional graffiti of their logo since they are from Brooklyn and graffiti first became established in NEW YORK, then we tried to include distinctive features of my nationality, such as a piece of pizza wrapping around the boot, as well as for the Colosseum, and then came up with an ironic sketch from Lukas of a mouse under the sole, and he said that maybe it was too crazy of a concept, but I still decided to develop that idea after receiving green light from the whole team.
It may all sound so crazy, but it's actually well in line with MSCHF's brand identity in that what they do is very much about artistic provocation and art itself.
Talk about your previous project in Ral7000studio.
When I was part of Ral7000Studio I have worked on many projects with as many brands such as Fear of God with Jerry and his team, as well as with Adidas Originals, the collaboration with BERSHKA and with many more on projects to be released over the next two ears that I cannot mention now.
I have worked on individual products up to building brands from scratch, designing and developing footwear, clothing and accessories, following up where necessary the communication of them and setting the launch strategy.
Today, a product is not an end in itself, but you have to curate and celebrate it at 360 degrees, from its conception to its distribution.
But today I am no longer co-owner of Ral7000studio, it was a wonderful experience, but I felt inside that it was time to follow my own path.
I see a lot of your Al work, obviously its a very controversial topic but what is your opinion on Al merging into the industry?
I can say that I was one of the first to test AI in the fashion system, communicating it on social.
I think a structural change in terms of technological development has just started like 30 years ago with the advent of the internet, it's cyclical.
During these events, there is always something positive or negative to point out, but we should just embrace it by using it in the best way for all of humanity in all areas.
I've seen a lot of different projects on your page, which is your favourite to date?
I do not have a favorite project now, as all to date are part of my professional growth process as well as the ones I will do that will lead me to become who I am destined to be.
However, the one that I have enjoyed the most so far has been the 2x4 boot "RAT"