Here’s a brief look at Junate Kim's AW24 ‘Punkouture’ Collection.
The collection is said to pay homage the great Vivienne Westwood’s early ‘Seditionaries’ collection. The title of AW 24 is “PUNKOUTURE” which is compounded from PUNK and COUTURE. The main story starts from the imagination of the five punk members wearing 1700s, 1800s historical costumes like corsets, pourpoints, doublets and singing love & peace for their freedom. The key of AW24 is the reinterpretation of 70s, 80s UK punk band's (Sex Pistols, Ramones, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Led Zeppelin and others) features such as their way of dressing and layering, and the re-imagination their faded outfits with the cuts and slashes by corseting the female and male form in order to disrupt beauty standards defined by gender, class and body size and to tear up tradition and turning a new genre on fluid fashion.
If you didn't already know, Juntae Kim is a self-titled brand based in London with the designer coming from Seoul, Korea. The gender fluid brand was founded in 2021 and quickly managed to become a 2023 LVMH prize semi finalist. The brand philosophy lies in “unravelling binary constructions: true beauty is not about constraining the body, but loosening it."
If you're in Paris for fashion week, be sure to head over to their page for info on visiting their showroom.